Tokens In C Programming Language

Smallest individual unit in C is call Token. There are different tokens in C and they are as follows;
  1. Keywords
  2. Identifiers
  3. Constants
1. Keywords :
Any C word is either a keyword or a identifier. Keywords are result word which have fix meaning and this meanings can't be changed. Some of them are :

if, else, do, while, swithc, for, return, break, continuo, static, void, int, float, double, auto, struct, union, typedf, etc.
Keywords contains only lower case letters.

2. Identifiers :
İt refers to the name of variables, functions and arrays. These are user defined names and consist of letters and digits It can contain both upper case and lower case letters.

3. Constatns :
Constants in C refers to the value that to not change during execution of program. C supports various types of constants and they are :
Numeric Constants
Character Constants