Translators, Compilers-Interpreter

Translator is a program, which translates an instruction return in high level language(C, C++, JAVA, C#) into machine language(0,1).
There are two types of translator.(Compilers, Interpreter)

Compilers : Compiler is a program that translates source code into object code. A computer defuse from an interpreter which translates and executes each line of source code, without looking into the entire program.

Interpreter : Interpreter is a program that executes instructions return them high level language into the machine language.

Difference between compiler and interpreter :
A compiler will read your entire source code and convert it into a language specific to the environment it's intended to run on. The plan is to have the compiler analyze the code and build an efficient application.

Examples of languages that are compiled: C, C++, Java

An interpreter will read your source code, usually line by line, and execute each command one at a time. This is slower and less efficient, but very good for teaching programming.

Examples of languages that are interpreted: Basic, Turing, Logo