They are :
-Monochrome Monitors,
-Gray Screen Monitors,
-Color Monitors
a)Monochrome Monitors : It displays two colors. One color is for the background, another one is for the forecolor.
Colors can be black an white or green and black or enable and black.
b)Gray Scale Monitors : A gray screen is a special type of monitors, capable of display different tones of grays.
c)Color Monitors : It can display ant cariation of colors. They are also call as rgb monitors.
They exist 3 different colors(red, green, blue)
The various quality of color monitors are :
-Refresh rate
-Interlaced of not interlaced
-Dot pitch
Banwith means the range of signals frequancy that the monitor can handle.
Refresh means how many times per second te screen os re-drown.
Dot pitch is the amount of space between 2 pixels.
Convergence is the clarity and shapness of each pixel.