Charachteristics Of Computers

Characteristics that make a computer powerful are;

1)Speed :
The rate at which computers process instructions per second is defined as the
speed of a computer. The cort of the computer depends on the speed at which
the computer execute instructions

2)Accuracy :
The computer doesnt make any mistake while computing. Due to human mistake like
wrong formula, wrong methodology in accurate result make arise but the computer alwas process with
high accuracy.

3)Versatility :
Computers can perform variety of job like printing a document, generating bills with high speed and accuracy.
These are no limited to a single job. They are used in variety of applications and different types
of software are avaliable to archive different goals using computers.

4)Storage :
Computers has large storages. There are two different types of storages.
a)Primary Storage
b)Secondary Storage

a)Primary Storage : Primary storage of a computer is a temporary storage RAM. The cost of a computer depends
on memory capacity.

b)Secondary Storage : Secondary storage is a permanent storage of a computer.
Example : Hard disks, any external storage disks, compact disks, pen drives, floppy disks etc.
The memory of computer is measured in bit.
A bit is a basic storage unit.
1 byte = 8 bits, 1kb = 1024 bytes, 1mb = 1024 kb, 1gb = 1024 mb, 1tb = 1024 gb.

5)Diligence :
Computer never gets tired or bored like human beings. Computer is a machine
thats not suffer from failure and lose of concentration. It process the same
speed and accuracy.